WWJD? Jesus would get off my ass...
Abortion rights, same-sex marriage, euthanasia or stem-cell research. These are the four issues out of all the issues in the world that Catholic bishops have decided offend Jesus the most. These bishops are stating they will deny communion to politicians who differ from God's word. You know those words he wrote about stem-cell research, don't you? I think it happened between the big flood and Christmas, right? Thou shall not engage in scientific inquiry. Something like that.
Well now there's a crazy bishop bishop in Colorado who says that if you even vote for someone who believes these issues are worth discussing they should not receive communion. These independant-minded people need to go to confession and recant their vote to a priest. If we are going to start denying sacraments to people who are not completely in line with Catholic teachings then where do you stop? Do the all priests and church officials who have molested children or conspired to cover it up get to chow down on Christ? Do all the republican politicians who support the death penalty and who supported the war in Iraq (which the Vatican condemns) get to sip that awful wine?
Governor McGreevey from my homestate of New Jersey recently said he would not receive Communion anymore. He actually bowed to the pressure of some fanatical controlling bishops from NJ who think that the Eucharist is only for people who aide by a few specific church rulings. Who knew McGreevey was such an apologist for his views? It's disgusting that he would publicly allow these religious nutcases to pin his politics as un-Christian. It's un-Christian to engage in bullying tactics, it's un-Christian to strip women of their rights, it's un-Christian to relegate a gays to second-class citizens, and it's un-Christian to announce such venomous hypocrisy. But I am sick of hearing about the so-called Christian fervor that has grabbed hold of this country. I don't care what Jesus would do or say in a given situation. I don't care what the Bible may or may not say about anything. And I think all free-thinking, reasonable people should turn the tables on these bishops who would use a religious ceremony for political gain. We won't accept Communion from these people, because obviously they miss the point of the very church they strive to keep liberals out of. We won't be taking your Eucharist because we reject you. I think it's what Jesus would do.