Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I smell desperation in the air and this time it's not liberal...

Dick Cheney finally brought the administration's argument for re-election to its logical conclusion yesterday. All these terror warnings and chest-thumpings and war drum-beating climaxed in a town hall meeting yesterday in Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Cheney:

It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States

So it's all come down to this campaign message: Elect us or die!

I don't know about you, but it doesn't seem that threatening voters outright is the fastest route to victory. Everyone knows you to defeat a bully you have to stand up to him and the Kerry-Edwards campaign has been standing up enough to give this smug doggie-punching bully to have yet another heart attack. Mr. Edwards:

This statement by the vice president of the United States was intended to divide us. It was calculated to divide us on an issue of safety and security for the American people. It's wrong and it's un-American.

The glove are not only off, but they have been lit on fire and held up to the Republicans' testicles. A gruesome image, for sure.

But that, my friends, is how I like to play hardball.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

What else does he have a "moral responsibility" toward...

Imagine you it's the end of the day on a Friday and you are gearing up to go home. It's the start of a holiday weekend (for everyone but The Pearl), so you'll have three days to unwind and forget about the stress and worry of the world. Three whole days to simply relax and be numb. In most places of business this is a time to wrap things up and wind down. Washington, D.C. is not most places of business, though. Four o'clock, right before a holiday weekend, is considered the most dangerous time of all. Last Friday, amidst the end of the Republican Convention, Bill Clinton's heart bypass procedure, and an approaching hurricane, any real news was sure to get lost under the radar. And, boy, did this administration take advantage of it.

This past Friday, the White House announced they are increasing all Medicare monthly premiums, resulting in the largest increase in the program's long history. You may ask, "Matt, why are you posting about old people and the handicapped? That's boring, and they can't use the Internet. I thought you only cared about the gays anyway" These are the people who read this blog. And they couldn't be more wrong. (I only care about the attractive gays.)

But people on Medicare have the program for a reason. They need help in one way or another. Any good liberal will tell you that Medicare users should be taken care of like any other group. (Besides old people vote like their life depends on it. Cause usually it does.)

A 17% increase in medical expenses for people who have very little to begin with is pretty bad. But the kicker is that this was announced ONE DAY AFTER Bush's speech at his convention where he said "we have a moral responsibility to honor America's seniors, so I brought Republicans and Democrats together to strengthen Medicare." Jacking up costs and making it unaffordable to many participants equals strength? Now I see how he justifies the "success" in Iraq.

Someone buy this man a dictionary.

Monday, September 06, 2004


I was accosted by my little brother today asking when I planned to blog next (I call him this for kicks though he is only about a year younger than I). I have been worn out by the Republican convention. I'm trying to get back to a place where I once had other things to say. But it's so hard what with the country's future hanging in the balance and the stupid people blindly and rabidly supporting a stupid, blind, rabid man. (No, not John Kerry, that other guy.) But I figured I wouldn't blog today as there is very little news going on and everyone seems to have the day off.

But not me.

Yes that's right, a national holiday celebrating workers and The Pearl Theatre Company forced their employees into indentured servitude for the day. I would not mind the work though, as I have a ton of work to do that I was able to but a small dent in. The problem is that everyone else in the world is off and it spoils all the goof-off time that a person needs to make it through a Monday. All my favorite websites were quiet. The neighborhood restaurant I intended to feed me lunch was not answering their phone. AirAmerica, which is always buzzing away in my headphones throughout the day, was all repeats today. Where was a liberal to go and get his pinko-commie fix?!?! Even my iPod filled with musical theater selections took the day off. (Yes some red-headed jack-ass forgot to plug it in for a week, but I still blame the holiday.)

It was just me and my work. No distractions. No delays. Not-for-profit classical theater marketing as far as the eye can see.

Man, I have to get into a union or something.