Friday, May 14, 2004

So long and thanks for all the fish...

This past week every political pundit on television has discussed the current poll numbers for the 2004 presidential election. The numbers are telling us some very good news for those who need to oust Bush from office-those being anyone who is in an ethnic minority, LGBT, female, poor, middle-class, a parent, in school, elderly, in need of healthcare, moral, free-thinking, carbon-based, etc. Kerry at 46% is leading Bush at 42%. Bush's favorable numbers are at their lowest since Bush v. Gore (which in a 5 to 4 decision would have read something like: 56% of all Supreme Court Justices have a favorable opinion of Bush). Despite this good news for all vertebrates everywhere, the pundits and analysts seem to be saying that while Bush is going down it hasn't "translated into gains for Kerry." Well, Mr. Zogby himself has explained these numbers and told us why this is a perfectly normal place for a challenger to be. People historically make up their mind about the incumbent long before they consider the challenger and the polls are saying that it's time for new leadership. It's going to be one sweet, sweet November.


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