The Matt-Cave Dictionary, First Edition...
Crash ('krash) noun: A hoax manipulation that causes people to believe you are worth much more than you truly are. Example- By wearing my sunglasses all night, he didn't notice my lazy eye and I got his number. It was a total crash!*
Brokeback ('brOk-'bak) verb: The act of getting fucked up the ass, with nothing to show for it. Example- So I'm out with this guy having a great time. He comes back to my place, and we're, ya know, doing it Jack Twist-style, right? Well, he leave the next day and I never hear from him again. I was totally brokebacked. That's Jack Nasty!
*Editor's note- Matt Coleman does not have a lazy eye. This was an example to both illustrate a point, as well as amuse.
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