Why I could never be a Republican Part II...
I've been accused of making sweeping generalizations about Republicans. While sweeping generalizations are my forte, I also back up said comments with real evidence. If anyone bothered to click the links in the post directly below this, they would find stories about the immense voter fraud that is occurring in the states I point out. But they are a lot of link and they all add up to a single point, so let me set it out a little clearer.
The links I point out all point to the same company that is suspected of tearing up Democratic voter registration forms. It has set up registration drives in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, Florida and Nevada and is accused of the same things in most of these states, so far. The organization is called Voters Outreach of America AKA America Votes (run by Republican consulting firm Sproul & Associates).
Now here's the part where one would say "well that's only a handful of Republicans and you can't say that of the party as a whole." Except for the fact that YOU CAN SAY THAT ABOUT THE PARTY AS A WHOLE!
KLAS-TV, Las Vegas:
"The company has been largely, if not entirely funded, by the Republican National Committee."
Help wanted ads for Voters Outreach of America say "Paid for by the Republican National Committee".
The Republican Party is funding these efforts. The link is direct and unambiguous.
The links someone posted anonymously to prove that Democrats are also involved in such shenanigans? A Puerto Rican organization sends in fraudulent registration forms. Democrats send out a flyer trying to encourage voter registration with an error on it. 501(c)(3) groups are spending money on political ads (that's right, the same type of group as the Swift Boat liars, which were made possible by a law signed by Bush). None of these links show any involvement by the Democratic Party in anything as malicious as tearing up the registration forms of those you disagree with.
People can try to turn the story into how awful it is that we have become so partisan as a nation, but that little bit of misdirection will not block the fact that deny people the right to vote is a hideous crime. This is something all Republicans need to know. You need to look yourselves in the face and ask how you can support a party that is so blatant in its disregard of democracy.
I don't think I am the one who needs to change his beliefs.