Monday, September 06, 2004


I was accosted by my little brother today asking when I planned to blog next (I call him this for kicks though he is only about a year younger than I). I have been worn out by the Republican convention. I'm trying to get back to a place where I once had other things to say. But it's so hard what with the country's future hanging in the balance and the stupid people blindly and rabidly supporting a stupid, blind, rabid man. (No, not John Kerry, that other guy.) But I figured I wouldn't blog today as there is very little news going on and everyone seems to have the day off.

But not me.

Yes that's right, a national holiday celebrating workers and The Pearl Theatre Company forced their employees into indentured servitude for the day. I would not mind the work though, as I have a ton of work to do that I was able to but a small dent in. The problem is that everyone else in the world is off and it spoils all the goof-off time that a person needs to make it through a Monday. All my favorite websites were quiet. The neighborhood restaurant I intended to feed me lunch was not answering their phone. AirAmerica, which is always buzzing away in my headphones throughout the day, was all repeats today. Where was a liberal to go and get his pinko-commie fix?!?! Even my iPod filled with musical theater selections took the day off. (Yes some red-headed jack-ass forgot to plug it in for a week, but I still blame the holiday.)

It was just me and my work. No distractions. No delays. Not-for-profit classical theater marketing as far as the eye can see.

Man, I have to get into a union or something.


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