Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Got a blue moon in my eye...

Sunday night I chose to indulge my inner-gayboy, rather than my inner-mafia boss, by watching the Tony Awards on CBS instead of the season finale of The Sopranos. I knew it would be a challenge to dodge any and all spoilers for this last episode of the beloved HBO series. When The Sex and The City series finale aired I also missed it and watched the next day, but I was spoiled by the ending by noon the next day. I didn't want to repeat that anti-climatic feeling. No, if Tony Soprano ended up with Mr. Big I was going to find out by watching the show, not by reading it on some cheap website (much you are all doing right now). Or something like that. Who knew it would be so hard! Modern life is all about connection, about staying in the know with everything of interest. I would have my work cut out for me.

Working in non-profit theater, I was pretty certain that I would not have any discussions at work that would spoil anything regarding horribly violent mobsters. But oh, the Sopranos fever is everywhere else. While getting ready for the day early Monday morning, I had CNN on in the background. I was brushing my teeth in the nude (it's just the way my routine works for me, enjoy that pleasant image) when Soledad O'Brien decided to take a moment from canonnizing former-son-of-a-bitch Ronald Reagan to discuss the Sopranos finale. I dove head-first for the remote before anything too juicy was revealed. Sprawled naked across the floor of the living room, limbs akimbo, I fumbled with the remotes till the TV went silent. Close call. I almost forgot that today would require constant vigilance.

On my way to the subway (with clothes on finally), I listen every morning to Unfiltered on AirAmerica. Lizz Winstead and Rachel Maddow are just delightful and I think it's always good to get the blood flowing in the morning with a little liberal outrage. I turned on the radio to hear Ms. Winstead discuss her Sopranos party. I turned it off right after hearing something about Chicken Parm and walked the rest of the way in silence. I feared I spoiled something about Tony choking to death on Carm's homecooking. My fears were later proved unfounded.

On the other side of the East River, I walk down First Avenue to The Pearl every morning and stop at the new Dunkin Donuts for their delicious concoction of coffee- a special vanilla blend found only found in France on the banks of the Seine. I walked into the store that morning and heard the Sopranos theme song on the radio they play over the loudspeakers. Fearing the song about eyes full of blue moons would be followed with some sort of commentary, I turned on a dime and walked right out, much to the confusion of all customers and staff in the shop.

I hadn't been awake for 2 hours and I narrowly averted spoilers 3 times. I shielded my eyes from all the tabloid newspapers as I walked past all the corner Bodagas. I put a personal embargo on many of the websites I check daily I thought may have headlines or postings dedicated to ruining the show for me. I immediately deleted the entertainment news that gets sent to my email's inbox everyday, courtesy of TVGuide or Zentertainment. I forced myself to live under a rock for the day. And although the major spoilers I fought so hard to avoid would have just confirmed my suspicions about who dies and what happens in many ways, the show brought together one of the best seasons of television I've ever seen. I won't go into everything I thought of the show, suffice it to say it was satisfying while being surprising. Now I just need to wait another year and a half to see the final season. In the meantime, Six Feet Under is upon us soon. Life is good.


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