Friday, May 21, 2004

Of gays and goats...

Let's take a minute to talk about Gov. Mitt Romney. What is wrong with this man? Doesn't he get that you can't stop these big gay weddings, that progress won't slow down for some short-sighted republican who thinks its admirable to stand in the way of civil rights? It just gets my goat. That's right, I'm so upset even the goat is feeling it.

Thursday the Massachusetts governor, who was vehemently against the legalization of same-sex marriage that began to take place in Mass. Monday, started to crack down on out-of-state gay marriages. His reasoning? A 1913 law that bans marriages to out-of state-couples if the marriage is illegal in their states. What he fails to mention is this law was put in place to stop blacks and whites from overrunning Mass. to get interracial marriages. If your argument can only be backed up by an obscure law put in place to appease "jittery parochial whites" about the terrors of "uppity black folk" it's safe to say you are on the wrong side of this issue.

Luckily there are courageous lawmakers taking a stand. The Mass. State Senate voted to repeal this arcane law. If it gets past the much more conservative House of Reps., this will force Romney to change his position and sign it, or switch from his passive "them's the laws" stance by vetoing the bill. I can't see how that will play well to anyone but the far right.

I suppose I shouldn't expect much from a man named after sporting equipment. Why does Massachusetts elect these people? They are supposed to known for their liberal-leanings. The state of the Kennedeys, John Kerry, and Conan should be able to elect liberal governors too. Are they trying to put on a nationally liberal face, while at home you seek out oppressive republicans who will rule you with an iron fist? Is this the product of that stuffy, emotionally-distant upbringing so often stereotyped? Is the whole state populated by sadomasochists? Your parking tickets and murder charges still apply to me, even though I come from distant New York. Shouldn't your freedoms? Marrying a guy is not going hurt anyone more than my marrying a black person. It won't hurt anyone. Unless maybe I try to marry my much-agitated goat. Then look out!


At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point about the whole parking ticket business. I read something comparing Mitt Romney to those Southern governors of yore capitulating to popular bigotry and grandstanding against intergration. History will prove Mitt Romney just as nearsighted...


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