Saturday, June 12, 2004

Don't come to me with unnamed sources...

After a rash of anonymous comments from random strangers who happen to be my boyfriend and a few select others (and you know who you are), I want to plead with all who enter The Matt-Cave to remember to sign your posts. Personally I think everyone should register with so as not only to show their names, but also to start your own blogs. I need something to read at work besides my own blog. But if that is too much commitment, than just end your post with your first name. It's extremely hard to have a conversation when you don't know who's talking. And talking is encouraged. I love when people comment. Say anything you want, no censorship here. If you want to call me a big fat idiot, and I know you do, say so. But have the good etiquette to let me know that the person who called me a big fat idiot on Sunday and Monday are the same person. I like to keep track of my enemies. For the list. Thanks.


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