Well, he only heard about this new-fangled Internet instrument last week...
During last night's debate Cheney urged the audience to go to FactCheck.com to get the "truth".
Turns out that FactCheck.com was a spam site. At least during the debate last night it was. At some point during the night Georege Soros bought the domain name. So now it directs you to gerorgesoros.com. Brilliant!
He probably meant FactCheck.org, which is a non-partisan site. But even if he meant that, look at the top headline from the site last night:
Bush Mischaracterizes Kerry's Health Plan
Bush claims Kerry's plan puts "bureaucrats in control" of medical decisons, "not you, not your doctor." But experts don't agree with that.
This is Cheney's defense? Ha! This morning the site is having busy server problems. Maybe George Soros is trying a buy-out as I post.
It's only a matter of time before he tries to buy The Matt-Cave. Gulp!
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