Let the spin begin again...
Edwards: "He voted against Head Start. He voted against banning plastic weapons that can pass through medical detectors. He voted against 'Meals on Wheels' for Seniors. He voted against a holiday for Martin Luther King. He voted against a resolution calling for the release of Nelson Mandela."
Cheney: .............
Let's be clear, I don't think Edwards did as well as he should have. I'm actually a little disappointed in his performance, but still he looks much better sitting next to a snarling Dick Cheney.
I think Cheney's tacticc of passing on a chance to fight back or respond or say anything at all at times was a strange tactic. Perhaps it is in direct response to last Thursday with the President constantly asking for more time wih nothing to say. Cheney let attacks go without so much as a deflection. For anyone to argue that not saying anything at all after an attack as massive and legitimate as Edwards did above is fooling themselves. But I promise you'll get enough damn silence after November 2.
I do wish Edwards had also responded to the pointed attacks and lies being through his way. Too many times he neglected to hit back and opted rather to steer the conversation back to his talking points. Edwards was trying to keep the nation focused on his message rather than the charges being brought by his opponent.
Long story short I think people, bored by the policy discussions (not all that interesting) aren't going to come away with an altered view of either vice-presidential candidate. Edwards went to great length in talking up Kerry, which was a major goal of his for the night. Cheney on the other hand acted as if Bush hardly existed at all. So we'll see. No clear winner. Very spinnable. A cable news pundits dream. Let's hope, like most other things in this counrty, they go with the guy they think is prettier.
I'm so glad somebody agrees with me- I hate Cheney but I also don't think Edwards did as well as he should have (or could have). A lot of my liberal friends thought Edwards was spectacular but I don't know if I agree. Why didn't Edwards defend himself when Cheney accused him of not knowing where he stands on the war?
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