Day Five

Sharyn, two of her fellow Blau Haus slaves, and I travel to France to see what all the fuss is about. Since the town of Colmar is so close to the border of Germany and was German-controled for so long, it is very German-seeming, except they speak French. And unlike Germany, they have Tropicana orange juice and salted butter at the supermarket. Sharyn buys both to smuggle back across the border. Here we are getting lost and eating disgustingly dark French chocolate. Salt in their butter, yes. Sugar in their sweets, no. Crazy.

Colmar is the birthplace of Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, the designer and sculptor of The Statue of Liberty. They are very proud of this claim to fame so there is Statue of Liberty tchotchkes everywhere. It is like being in New York, but with more attitude. This is the house Bartholdi was born in, which is now a museum of his work. The mueseum is getting cable put in today, hence the truck. I am amused at the juxtoposition of a cable truck parked next to a famous sculpture. Modern chic.

We eat at a small French restaurant that serves Flammkuchen, which literally means flaming cake. It is essentially this area of Europe's equivalent of pizza, but rather than sauce, they use cream. I have mine with garlic and cheeses and it is delicious. But a gay-friendly pizza would have to be, right? Colmar also has a lot more chain stores than Freiburg. Doesn't it look like we are eating lunch at Claire's Accessories?

I cannot go to France and not eat a bagette. It just seems wrong not to. So here I am, after awkening from a peaceful nap in some French park, chomping away on a delicious bagette. Mmmmm.... A phalus never tasted so good.
Sushi Boat

Back in Freiburg, we meet Sharyn's bestest friend in Germany, Lexie. Like Sharyn, Lexie is an American import. Lexie is the perfect amount of Matthew mixed with the perfect amount of Diane. She seems to keep Sharyn grounded (like me!) and is also willing to do any stupid thing Sharyn tells her too (like Diane!). If her name wasn't so darn sexy, I would insist she change it to Dianthew. She is also a kleptomaniac. We go to a sushi boat restaurant, where the sushi is placed on little colored plates that go into little boats. The boats flow past the customers on the river of water encircled by the seating area. As the sushi floats by, patrons must choose what they would like and take it from the boat. When you pay, a gentleman comes by and counts the number of colored plates you have to determine how much you owe. Well for a price of ten Euros for four plates of sushi, we can not afford to be full. Luckily, Lexie is clever enough (like me!) and sneaky enough (like Diane!) to slowly take the plates and hide them in her purse. By the time we pay, she steals six plates of sushi. Sharyn and Lexi show off their "earnings" proudly. We ate like kings and have some neat Japanese parting gifts to boot. I love Dianthew.
Beer Garden

We finally arrive at a Beer Garden. Over the past few days of Germany I have developed into quite the little beer drinker. Never really touched the stuff much before, but I vowed to enjoy myself in their frothy brew while staying in thir country. Turns out beer is great. And it makes me silly. And even gayer!
Beer Garden

Apparnetly beer also makes me saucy.
gayest beer drinker i ever saw
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