Final Day

On my final day, Sharyn and I sleep till 2pm, but I have about 18 hours of traveling ahead of me so I don't feel so bad. Very tired from our week, Sharyn and I go to lunch and do little else today. Besides drink. If you aren't drinking beer at all times in Germany, you have to pay some sort of tax or something. This photograph is meant to show off Sharyn's disgusting cigarette habit, but instead it just makes her look fabulous. Like a lesbian Audrey Hepburn.
Jos Fritz

I have a train to catch at midnight, so of course we want to get as drunk as possible beforehand to see me off. We return to big gay cafe Jos Fritz. I spy a garden gnome sneaking up behind Sharyn. Someone should tell this gnome that Sharyn may look like easy prey, but she bites! And not just nibbles. I'm talking dinosaur!
Jos Fritz

Sharyn enjoys a delicious Radler. This is why the Germans are so amazing and fearless. They do things with beer we timid Americans can not even consider. Radler is a drink consisting of 50% Hiefeweissen beer and 50% leomnade. It is the greatest drink ever. I drank so much Radler this week I should be in the hospital by now instead of sitting in a garden surrounded by gay gnomes. Soooo good. And it's not just lemonade. Germans are so bold as to rule nothing out when in the service of beer making. They mix it with cola and jusices. Even bannana juice. Which is just disgusting. But you have to hand it to them; there is no line they will not cross.
Gypsy Curse

We spend a good 40 minutes trying to take candid shots of Sharyn while we speak in order to break her gypsy curse. I took 55 pictures at this time of just her laughing and talking and being herself. You would think one, just one, of those pictures would come out well. But no. It's truly a paradox. I look at her through the camera's lense and she looks lovely, but as soon as the picture is snapped, some sort of ancient evil takes its toll and she winds up looking like this.

Or this.

Or Good God! Like This!

Finally, our trip is at an end. Sharyn sees me off on the train platform. We put on braves faces of humor and happiness, though I am very sad. But also drunk and tired. So it makes it a little easier. Though I miss her terribly, she will be home again at the end of August. And we can talk to people who speak English. I can't wait for our next trip together!
these pictures are nice and all......but where is HARRY POTTER??????!!!!!
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