Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Now we know where the twins get it from...

Since no one in the mainstream media that I have noticed will say it, I will. Laura Bush is not funny. I have watched the clip of her giving her little five minute stand-up act at the White House Correspondents Dinner a few times now (since CNN and friends can't stop themselves from airing it every couple of seconds). I've come to the conclusion that the people laughing in the audience are the same people who have kept Everybody Loves Raymond on the air all these painful years. Just not funny.

She watches Desperate Housewives? Ha. Ha. How Zeitgeist-y of her. The president is in bed by nine each night? Well, that hardly seems effective for a president. He once jerked off a male horse? That's just vulgar. I think hanging out with all those gangbangers she swore to help has made her a bit of a skank.

But I would forgive it if she were a funny skank. Her delivery of this simultaneously pedestrian and headshaking material was overly rehearsed and labored. It's like watching an unappealing Jay Leno. Can we please stop pretending that she was funny and interesting? Cause she's not. She's plastic and has the same creepy-eye affliction as Carol Channing, but without the talent. Let's stop laughing with Laura Bush and go back to laughing at her.


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