Thursday, November 11, 2004

Shady Gonzalez...

Yesterday I blogged about the Ashcroft's resignation and his official declaration of the end of all crime and terror in the United States. It seems that the administration is backpedalling on this success in the war on terror by installing yet another Attorney General. Though without any crime or terror I can't imagine there is all that much for the person to do. Republicans and their bloated government, I guess.

Yesterday Bush nominated long-time friend and crony Alberto Gonzales to fill John Ashcroft’s dance-less shoes as Attorney General. Gonzales is commonly known as The Torture Guy, the lawyer who called the Geneva Conventions “quaint”, cooked up excuses for the US to get away with torturing prisoners, and designed the unconstitutional military tribunal system for Gitmo. Read a Gonzales-penned torture memo here where he makes up as many excuses possible to allow Bush to torture people as he sees fit.

Aside from his horrid behavior on the issue of torture (how can we live in a country where torture is an issue?!?!?), there are plenty of other reasons why this man should never be confirmed, though he most certainly will.

Gonzalez has never tried a case ever – either civil or criminal – but that didn’t stop Bush from appointing him to the Texas Supreme Court after he spent 13 years at Enron’s law firm in Texas.

Gonzalez has never published anything in a legal journal ever.

Gonzalez is the lawyer that kept Cheney’s Energy Task Force secret.

Gonzalez has headed up the judicial selection committee for Bush, and is responsible for the neanderthals that Bush has appointed to federal judgeships.

Despite all of these reasons, Gonzalez will most likely get confirmed rather easily. But I hope he will at least be questioned about these issues by the Senate Democrats. This may very well be our first fight in Congress. We should start getting aggressive now. No reason to wait, we've nothing to lose.


At 6:09 AM, Blogger swithy said...

i am really gonna miss ashcroft's fantastic singing voice... do you think now that he'll have some free time they can get him for Phantom or something?


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