Serving the reality-based community for the next four years...
Someone commented below that the country "has already gone to hell, and it is not worth a single breath of ours to try and fix it." And it's not just people reading this blog. Lefties everywhere seem to be bashing America and each other, as well as Ohio and "middle Americans." I understand that this sentiment stems from rage and disappointment and sadness. I am right there with you on certain levels.
People are talking about abandoning the Democrats along with the country. That's not productive. We have to keep sight of the reason why we put so much of ourselves into this election. Bad leaders were doing terrible things to our country and pretending it was best for us. Power-hungry bigots and corporate shills were bankrupting our future for short-term profits and telling us we should be too scared of the boogey man to care. They governed on fear and campaigned on fear and told us things were getting better, as long as we cower under our desks. And it worked on just a few too many people this time.
But this is just one battle in the fight. We need to learn from our failures and build on them. These people out-maneuvered us this time. But it's only the end if we let it be the end.
I got a very inspirational email from Howard Dean today. He talked about the small victories we won't be hearing about.
Montana, one of the reddest states, has a new Democratic governor.
First-time candidates for state legislatures from Hawaii to Connecticut beat incumbent Republicans.
And a record number of us voted to change course -- more Americans voted against George Bush than any sitting president in history.
Dean also went on to quote Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Too many things matter to me about this place to just give up because I'm feeling down.
See, sometimes The Matt-Cave can be more than just angry tirades.
i just don't know where you get all this optimism from. twist the results however you want, but bush was chosen and it was clear. america is not us, it's them. 11 states banned even the possibility of gay marriage. is that the kind of country you want to have pride in? are those the kind of people you want to live alongside? having hope, wanting to change things, whatever you want to call it, it's all just cliche. there is nothing we can do. we had someone working hard for us and many causes we believe in, trying to effectively make a positive change in the country, and the majority of america rejected him because of a tv ad here and an orange alert there. 51% of the citizens of our country make me sick. "America can do better." although it is now clear that it does not want to.
It's easy to have a fatalistic attitude where you wash your hands of America when you've moved to Germany. Some of us don't have the luxury of being expats. Some of us live here. Some of us arew you best friends and family. Some of us still give a shit.
You act like 51% is a mandate. I don't accet that. Perhaps you forget that 48% us are unhappy. You want to give up? Fine. Stay out. Go get citizenship somewhere else. But I promise you what happens here is going to affect wherever you go. And we don't need people who walk away when things suck.
I'm not optimistic. I'm down right angry and terrified of the next 4 years. But I need to do somehing with that anger other than whine ( and God knows I've done my share of whining). You're angry. I get that. I share that. I BUZZ wth it. But we have to get over it. You can't declare the death of reason and sanity in America, decide it's not worth your time to try and change it, and not be a party to those fanatical nutcases who are behind it.
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