Sunday, October 31, 2004

The Bride of Boogedy goes too far...

Lynne Cheney has got to be one of the biggest hypocrites in Washington right now. This is the woman who feigned outrage when Kerry mentioned her daughter, Mary, was an out and proud lesbian and put her sexuality in a positive and accepting light. For this she called Kerry "a bad man" on the basis that her family should be off-limits. Mary Cheney, an out lesbian who has made money primarily because she's an out lesbian and who is a paid employee of the Bush campaign, isoff limits to political discussion, according to Lynne. I have serious problems with that, obviously.

However, Lynne Cheney feels it is in good taste to use her 7 year old granddaughter as a walking negative political ad to attack Kerry.
At a campaign rally Sunday, Elizabeth, 7, wore a scary Halloween costume as the Grim Reaper. To howls of laughter, Lynne Cheney introduced Elizabeth as "John Kerry's health plan," highlighting one of the many contentious issues of the campaign.

Kerry wants to expand the insurance system for federal employees to private citizens through tax credits and subsidies, an approach the Bush campaign condemns as government health care.

So this poor little girl not only has to come to terms with the fact that her grandfather is the Boogedy Man, but when she asked to be Princess Jasmine or Eliza Doolittle (ok, maybe that was just me) for Halloween, she was told "no, you'll fall in line like everyone else in this party, little lady; now get in the scary Grim Reaper get-up."

Maybe she was dressing as the Cold Ever-Present Hand of Death Stealthily Stalking her Grandfather.

I doubt it, though. This was a deliberate act of nasty politiking using an innocent seven year old.

These people have no shame.


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