Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Funny cause it's true...

John Kerry appeared on David Letterman last night, and though I missed it, I listened to as many of the audio clips I could find on Das Internet. (That's German for the Internet, Sharyn.) Kerry was actually funny!

How are the debates shaping up? Dave asked for some clarification. Not direct quotes but the jist from what I've heard.

LETTERMAN: You wanted to stand and Bush wanted to sit, is that it?

KERRY: "I didn't care either way. I did want Edwards to stand and Cheney to sit, though.

LETTERMAN: And they compromised by their both agreeing to squat?

KERRY: It’s been decided that Bush will sit on Cheney’s lap.

The man called Bush a puppet right there on national television. Don't listen to the mainstream media people. Kerry is on the attack. He later delivered the night's Top Ten list mocking Bush's inept and callous administration. Funny stuff.

Top Ten Bush Tax Proposals:
#10. No estate tax for families with at least two U.S. Presidents.
#9. W-2 forms are now Dubya-2 forms.
#8. Under simplified tax code, your refund check goes directly to Halliburton.
#7. Reduced earned income tax credit is so unfair, it makes me want to tear out my lustrous, finely groomed hair.
#6. Attorney General Ashcroft gets to write off U.S. Constitution
#5. Texas Rangers can take business loss for trading Sammy Sosa.
#4. Eliminate all income taxes; just ask Teresa to cover the whole damn thing
#3. Cheney can claim Bush as a dependent
#2. Hundred-dollar penalty if you pronounce it “nuclear” instead of “nucular.”
#1. Bush gets deduction for mortgaging our entire future.

Now that's comedy!


At 8:02 AM, Blogger swithy said...

oh man, i wish they showed letterman here! except german tv is owned by nbc, so all we get is reruns of leno and conan o'brien in the middle of the night. well, good for kerry anyway, we need more comedian presidents, like gore. oh wait, he wasn't president... what the hell? but he was very good on snl at least...


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