Holy F@#%-ing Sh*@ !!!
It seems North Korea might be testing nuclear bombs. A large explosion occurred in the northern part of North Korea, sending a huge mushroom cloud into the air on an important anniversary of the communist regime. It's been suggested by many that it may have been a nuclear explosion.
Oh, good. I don't think we have enough to scare us out of our minds in the world today. So I'm glad that Bush's policy of not directly speaking to North Korea on any diplomatic level and expecting China to handle the situation is working out for everyone.
Because the first Cold War wasn't cold enough for everyone. Man, Kerry's victory party on November 3rd is more important than ever. Liberal party's always have massive amounts of drugs and sodomy. But this one is sure to have punch. And maybe drills to practice hiding under our desks.
Oh, wow...holy F@#%-ing Sh*@ indeed.
God help us all. I think I'm going to go practice the art of hiding under my desk with a jar of peanut butter and a gallon of water at work every morning and afternoon.
Kerry's victory party on November 3rd is more important than everYou got that right. Let's not forget, however, that if he's elected, then our chances of being attacked increase exponentially. Apparently, a President with a reasonable amount of intelligence and a leaning towards diplomacy rather than a go-it-alone policy will lead us into further turmoil. Well, that's the news according to Satan, er...I mean Dick Cheney.
I actually found a picture of the explosion on ablog...
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