Alabmazation of the United States...
Remember Roy Moore, the nut-job judge who put a two-point six ton granite carving of the ten commandments in front of an Alabama courthouse? When told by a higher court that the carving would be a violation of a long tradition of seperating religion from state, he refused to remove the structure. He has since lost his job.
Well now the Bush Administration has adopted Moore’s position. This week, the White House urged the Supreme Court to allow ten commandment displays on government property. That means, an oversized ten commandments monument, may end up in front of your courthouse or other federal property.
From Bloomberg:
The Bush administration, saying that religion ``has played a defining role'' in the nation's history, urged the U.S. Supreme Court to permit Ten Commandments displays in courthouses.
The Justice Department today filed a brief supporting two Kentucky counties accused of violating the constitutional ban on government establishment of religion by posting framed copies of the Ten Commandments.
Regardless of being against everything America once stood for, at the very least right-wing Christian evngelicals can admit different denominations embrace different versions of the Ten Commandments. For that reason alone, this stuff should be thrown out and the Roy Moore's of the world should cease to have any influence in Washington.
In addition, another Alabama native is cozing up in the White House. Gerald Allen, a republican representative in the Alabama State Legislature, proposed a bill to ban novels with gay characters in all libraries, including university libraries. What does Allen want to do with such classics as Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Lynne Cheney’s lesbian novel, Sisters? He said he wants to “dig a big hole and dump them in.”
This wing-nut is meeting with President Bush on Monday – his fifth meeting with the leader of the free world. He is Bush's base. Last week, Allen introduced a bill that would ban the use of state funds to purchase any books or other materials that "promote homosexuality". Allen does not want taxpayers' money to support "positive depictions of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle". That's why Tennessee Williams and Alice Walker have got to go.
Dig a hole and dump them in? How far behind are the pink triangles with these people in power?
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