Friday, July 23, 2004

Homepage for the homeless...

I am all for outreach programs that work toward benfitting the underprivledged and underserved of our society. That's why I am a proud liberal Democrat. I think we as a society need to do more to encourage our government officials to support worthy programs that seek to lift others up. Too often we fail our citizens. Too often those with less are forgotten and left out on the street to fend for themselves. But sometimes, every now and then, a government agency will commit to making a difference in the lives of people who need it and wonderful productive results occur.

This is not one of those times.

The Department of Labor has created a job-resources website for... wait for it... the homeless! Finally all the people who have given up their homes in favor of their DSL connection have a website all their own.

I understand that many libraries have free access to computers in some areas, but it just seems to me that this idea of having a website to battle chronic homelessness shows a great deal of ignorance on what the homeless experience must be like. It is just another instance of the administration spinning its wheels, pretending to achieve something worthy, while nothing changes for the little guy.

And the kicker? If you follow links on the website to the job boards where you fill out personal information, you must enter your address to enter.


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